Effective Code Reviews

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Do you really need formal reviews?

The best code review is the one done while writing the code. Pair or mob programming creates a so short feedback loop that most issues won’t even make it into a commit, and can work as a perfectly good replacement for formal code reviews, as well as provide many other benefits. That’s the way I prefer to work - if you’d like to try that instead, you can stop reading now and wait for the separate post on programming together I’ll be adding soon!

If you still want to do asynchronous code reviews, consider the advice below.

Good practices for reviews

Everyone in the team should do code reviews. It keeps the entire team up to date with the code. Everyone can learn new things by seeing new constructs, and it can spark interesting discussions about the software and domain. Making everyone do reviews also prevents long waiting times and possible quality reduction from only a select few doing reviews.

Automate all checks you can, such as static analysis, formatting etc. This will avoid tedious and unnecessary work for reviewers.

Create a checklist for what to review. It’s important that everyone has a shared view of what is important and not in a review. Let the tools handle the rest! Consider things like:

Be kind. If it’s a matter of opinion or taste, there is no need for argument. Be happy that someone cares enough to make the change. If you get stuck up on details, chances are you will both lose speed and wind up in arguments that bring no value and lowers morale for no good reason.

Agree on how to introduce new members to the team. A wall text in your first code review makes for an appaling first impression.

For submitters

For reviewers